Web Resources

To do most of the web assignments, use the CS50 IDE. If you’ve not used it before, visit ide.cs50.io, and use your GitHub username and password to log in. After you’ve logged in, press the Share button at the top right and share your workspace with “sobko” – my GitHub username.

If you didn’t take AP CSP with me, do the following to start learning HTML, CSS, and Flask.

HomePage – make a small website.

Hello, Flask

When you’ve done those, we’ll talk about what you might make next! Or you could try some of the tutorials below.

If you did take APCSP with me, you could design your own project, or use one of the following sites as a jumping off point.

CS50 Mobile App course. Starts with some good stuff about Javascript, and ramps up to React and React Native.

React Tutorial – this jumps right into the deep end with React.